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CARJON Air Conditioning & Heating Blog

hvac, cooling, air conditioning, CARJON, RI

While you may be looking forward to basking in your AC on a hot summer day, there’s no getting around the fact that cooling a home for an entire season can be costly. If you’re like most homeowners, you’re likely spending more each month than is necessary just to keep cool.

hvac, cooling, air conditioning, CARJON, RI

Each spring, we get a lot of questions from our customers about how to choose an AC unit that’s right for their home. Summer isn’t far away, and those who are in the market for a new cooling system often wonder which size central air conditioner they need.

hvac, cooling, air conditioning, CARJON, RI

Heat pumps are no doubt incredible pieces of equipment, but a fair amount of thought must go into the sizing process in order for them to operate properly.

ductless heat pumps, mini splits, CARJON, RI

Spring is close and so are those warmer temperatures. While many people are excited for some long awaited fun in the sun, some Rhode Island homeowners know it won’t be long before one of their rooms becomes unbearably hot. We often refer to these as “problem rooms,” which tend to be impossibly hot in the summer months and freezing cold during the winter.

furnace maintenance, hvac maintenance, carjon, ri

Although it seems like spring is right around the corner, mother nature has way of reminding us in Rhode Island that she isn’t quite done with us. Even if you’re not particularly bothered by the cold temperatures and long stretches of snowy weather, your furnace may not feel the same way.

furnace, carjon, hvac, heating, RI

While it’s easy to simply assume that your furnace is operating the way it’s supposed to, the only way to know for sure is to enlist the help of a trained professional.

hvac, heating, cooling, high efficiency, carjon, ri

High-efficiency heating and cooling systems work smarter to manage energy consumption within the home, leading to a reduction in energy bills that many people are shocked to experience.

mini split in RI

Is there an area or room in your home that you avoid spending time in when it’s cold or hot outside? If your Rhode Island home has a space that’s always too hot during the summer and absolutely freezing in winter, you may have simply come to accept it. However, there is a simple solution that can help make your entire home comfortable year-round.

Smithfield, RI

Summer is right around the corner. This has many Rhode Island homeowners thinking about ways to ensure their ACs are ready for the warm months ahead. Here are a few things that you as a homeowner can do before calling CARJON for a full HVAC system workup.

Man and woman in bed

With the winter weather we’ve been having, your home’s air can be dry, causing discomfort and health issues. If you find yourself waking up with a dry and irritated nose or throat, noticing excess static electricity or still feeling cold at a temperature that’s usually comfortable — your home needs more moisture!



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